Hello people,
Made this for a friend.
She breastfed all of her children and currently breastfeeding her new baby. I admire her passion to breastfeed all her children full-termed (say about 2 years).
Hope she will be able to do it amidst her busy schedule. :)
Wishing her "Happy Breastfeeding", gal!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Happy Breastfeeding ladies!
Posted by LynnAmalina at 1:10 PM 1 comments
Now I love parcel!
Rezeki Ramadhan.
I was surprise, happy and thankful to received a hadiah with these goodies in it from Ayu of Sweetlilcrafshop
Thank you so much, dear. :))
And the best part was the serunding daging that Ayu sent me!
Alhamdulillah, the serunding daging "terlepas" from the US Customs. Ya-Hooo...
So, thanks to Ayu, dapat makan nasi impit dengan serunding daging for Eid this year.
sebab kurang rajin buat serunding daging sendiri. ;p
Now I'm in a midst of turning that gorgeous kain into a baju kurung moden. Will post the picture when I'm done sewing. :)
Posted by LynnAmalina at 11:55 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Everybody loves parcel

Thanks to Ayu and Dayang for their business and entry on Spinningspool-Shoppe. Wish my other great customer - Ms Dura <-- who bought like 20 sewing patterns (oh yes!she sews alot! ;p) and fabrics from me have a blog too. (read : Dura, I'm writing this to inspire you to create your own blog!).
So far, all parcels have arrived safely to the respective customers - credit to USPS and Pos Malaysia for this too. And to those who is still waiting for the parcel to come, "Insya Allah, parcel akan sampai soon. :)"
Ihya Ramadhan and Happy Fasting people!
Posted by LynnAmalina at 8:33 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Family Affairs
Got these pictures in my email this morning.
It's the picture of the maternity dresses I made for my SIL and herself in those dresses.
I send it to her from here and it took about 8 days to get to JB. Not bad at all.
Well...she likes it very much and I like when she likes!and..I love her too. :)
p/s: if you see a pregnant lady walking around JB in those, you'll know that - that is my SIL. ;p
Posted by LynnAmalina at 9:41 PM 4 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
Someone asked me, what can you do with FQ?
..........so, here's my answer or rather illustrated example of it :
In my humble opinion, you can make more than 2 tudung lids with 1 FQ (measurement for FQ = 18"x21"). All of my tudung lids or generally known as "awning"/ atap are made from 100% cotton FQ. I found that cotton fabrics are amazingly suitable to make the "awning"/atap for this kind of tudung.
Those were ordered by a friend for her eldest daugher. All "awnings"/atap for the tudungs (except for the last one on the right) are made from 100% cotton FQ.
And of course, there are other things that you can actually do with FQ. This is just an example.
My 2 cents :)
Posted by LynnAmalina at 5:43 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Spinningspool Shoppe Merdeka Giveaway..!!
I've been neglecting this blog and I see this giveaway thingy as my chance to 'revive' it.
Anyway, check out my other blog - The Spinningspool Shoppe Merdeka giveaway.
There's many WoW! goodies in it.
p/s : to participate, don't forget to leave your comments here too :)
Wishing you all the best!
Posted by LynnAmalina at 7:38 PM 27 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Almost There
I'm almost there ---- there where?
Almost at my giveaway. Woot...wooot!!
In my first entry, I wrote that maybe...just maybe I'll have my 'giveaway' thingie in my 10th or 15th entry. Currently, I have 11 entries in my Spinningspool-shoppe blog, so I'm guessing that it won't be long now for my giveaway. *wink* wink*
Posted by LynnAmalina at 4:46 PM 1 comments